With the dry ground in place, a light breeze, and VERY low humidity values, this created the perfect set-up for a high fire danger out there. Over the past month, there have been so many individual fires that have been caused from cigarettes thrown from a car window, to a spark from a outdoor grill, and backyard bonfires that have been left unattended. In fact, I heard a story the other day about a backyard bonfire that was left unattended when they went to bed, and the fire actually caught their lawn on fire, then the fire spread right to the house. That is just an example of how dry it really is, and this is why backyard bonfires ARE NOT recommended until further notice. This dry weather will also mean that some towns may be cancelling 4th of July fireworks.
Enough of that, let's get on the weather, which includes a massive heat wave on the way, that will likely carry us to the 4th of July. However, we will get to enjoy one more pleasant day. Tomorrow looks spectacular, with sunny skies and lower 80's. Temperatures tomorrow morning will be in the 50's. Now that's some perfect camping weather, just saying!
DRIEST MONTH EVER!? If you're keeping track, we are on track for the DRIEST JUNE EVER FOR INDIANAPOLIS, and not only that, but the driest month ever recorded since records began. Believe it or not, the last time Indianapolis had a good soaking rain was May 1st. That's right, ALMOST TWO MONTHS OF NO SOAKING RAINS, in Indianapolis. Other areas have seen some hit and miss rains since then, but everyone is now dealing with the extremely dry conditions. Some parts of the state are a foot behind on rainfall since January 1st. For more on this, here is a nice write up from the NWS, about the dry and hot conditions: http://www.crh.noaa.gov/news/display_cmsstory.php?wfo=ind&storyid=84481&source=0
TROPICAL STORM DEBBY: It's either feast or famine when it comes to rainfall. Tropical storm Debby is literally not moving a certain direction right now, but more or less sitting over Florida, dumping buckets of rain over the sunshine state. Some areas have already seen a foot or so of rain, and some areas could see an additional foot to foot and a half of rain. Now that is just incredible! By time Debby "downer" moves out of Florida, some areas will have had more than 2 feet of rain. Not the week to be in Florida, that's for sure. Check out the HPC rain forecast map for the next few days. It shows up to 17" of additional rain just southeast of Tallahassee!!
Ugh, only if we could get a little of that moisture, but it looks like Debby will slowly move east in the days to come, with no rainfall from the system for us. :( That's the wrap for tonight. Thanks for checking out the blog, have a good and safe rest of your evening.
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