Evening Forecast:
Partly sunny.
Enjoy the nice evening, because changes come in tonight. Rain chances go up after midnight, and expect scattered showers tomorrow morning. Here is the timing on the models:
Late Tonight:
Wed. morning:
Wed. Afternoon:
Rains should taper off tomorrow afternoon, as a dry slot moves in. We will also see falling temps through the day, upper 40s tomorrow afternoon!! Quite a change from today!
Thursday will be a chilly day around here with mainly cloudy skies. A clipper will try to work down, so we may see some sprinkles, and yes, even some snow flurries Thursday evening. Don't freak out and tell everyone it's going to snow Thursday night, just pointing out that the models do show the chance of one or two snow flakes. Here is a look at this flurry chance on the GFS:
It will remain chilly for Veteran's Day, with sunshine building in. The good news is that the weekend looks awesome, with another nice warm-up! Upper 50s-low 60s for the upcoming weekend.
Long Term: A relatively mild pattern looks to continue the next week or so, but as this is happening, the cold air in Canada is building..building...& building! It is just waiting for a chance to break free & invade the U.S. and signs are showing it will! Sometime around the 18th, looks to be when it hits us, hard!:
If this model is correct, we could be talking about early season arctic blast later this month. There is likely to be snowfall around this time too. Enjoy these last warm spells is my point.
Have a great evening!
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