Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Historic Cool Stretch For Indianapolis!


Record number of consecutive below 80 degrees days in July

The last day to reach 80 degrees in Indianapolis occurred on July 23rd. Since then, the high temperature at Indianapolis has failed to reach 80 degrees each day. Here is a list of high temperatures at Indianapolis since July 20th. So far, we have experienced 7 days in a row where the high temperature has failed to reach 80 degrees. 
High Temperature at Indianapolis
July 2083
July 2183
July 2283
July 2391
July 2477
July 2579
July 2679
July 2778
July 2873
July 2978
July 3074
The all-time record number of consecutive days of below 80 in July, was 8 which occurred in 1871. That occurred from July 16th to July 23rd that year.
The current forecasted high temperature for today is in the upper 70s. If we fail the reach 80 degrees today, we will experience 8 days in a row where the temperature has failed to reach 80 degrees in July at Indianapolis. This would tie an all-time event which last occurred 142 years ago.

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