Saturday, March 26, 2011

Snow for southern Indiana tonight!

Good afternoon! I apologize for not updating at all yesterday. We were waken up early this morning here in Memphis due to strong storms and power outages. Luckily, the power is back on!! Up in central Indiana, you guys are enjoying sunshine and chilly temperatures. Clouds will increase this afternoon, but things will stay dry. However, snow will break out across south-central and southern Indiana overnight. I am only expecting a dusting in Indy metro, but areas south of Bloomington could wake up to a couple inches of wet snow. This includes all of southern Indiana! I know most people have put their shovels away, but this is about as late as it gets for accumulating snow, especially for southern Indiana and Kentucky. Parts of central and northern Kentucky could wake up tomorrow morning to a 1-2" snowfall. The models still aren't sure where the snow will fall. Here are some maps..........
 So which model will pan out? I really think the NAM is doing a great job on the snowfall staying south of central Indiana. If this is right, Indy won't get any snow :) I think with a high pressure to the north, that should suppress the snows south of central Indiana. Have a great Saturday!!

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